Finished Painting 3 Models

The first three models that I’ve finished in a long time. Soon they’ll go in the back of a miniature cabinet never to be seen again for a few years as they don’t figure into any current army lists. Maybe I’ll work them into whatever army I take to Trumpeter Salute, assuming I make it. I really need a job.My almost finished Nurgle Havocs

These three models are pretty spiffy for filler. They are kitbashed or converted from a number of different sources, loyalists, Imperial Guard, OOP Chaos, Forgeworld etc. etc.  They are painted purple, relying heavily on the Foundry Royal Purple triad. I also used Vallejo and maybe even Reaper Master Series paint in addition to various new and old GW/Citadel pots. I even used a bit of Winsor & Newton Ink.

Nurgle Lascanon Havoc

I added to my repertoire by painting the glow around the coils of the plasma gun. I used a larger than usual dry brush and roughly followed the technique of Ron over on FTW, though I use my own recipe for the coils. I never usually paint the glow as it can get a bit messy, it also can cover up carefully painted details. It’s a trick best left for the really good painters or those who want a ‘trick’. It looks best at arms length not under extremely close view.

Nurgle Havoc with Missile Launcher

I used my own rust techniques along with a fair amount of custom washes on these models. Most everything has been detailed in previous posts. I just had to finish up the bases and a few details last night, then today I just did some final touches before photography and ultimately sealing.

Nurgle Renegade with Plasma Gun

These models will get the Lonewolf Gore technique too before finally resting on the shelf. I broke the lascanon model unfortunantely

Next up is some more models that I assembled and even bought without really needing, just because other people were doing it and I have to preserve my reputation as the Nurgle guy. If you guessed Forgeworld Death Guard Terminators you’d be correct. I built these when I should have been studying for a CFA exam I believe. After that I will assemble some more models, at first I was going to just do four metal OOP Bezerkers but now I think I’ll do some plastic models to complete two squads for my proposed 2011 Astronomi-con Vancouver army.

My tentacle pink was almost solid so I reached into my stash for a new old potDamn it!  While putting on the last of the rust I dropped the lascanon guy. He had tipped  over numerous times, but the drop broke him. He has metal arms but a plastic and resin body so the lascanon is really heavy. My super glue had dried out but I’d recently bought some Zap-a-Gap but that didn’t take for some reason, I even busted his other arm.  Now I gotta run so this post may wait until later this evening or tomorrow. I think I finally got him back together but that was the best one and now it picked up some chips and scrapes I gotta touch up.

Unfortunately in addition to being late, this will be the last update for a while.  We’ve suffered a death in the family so I’m at my  mother’s pitching in. I’ll be back in Vancouver next week and hopefully will pick up where I left off on the hobby front.

Author: Muskie

Making the Internet better since 1995.

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