Trumpeter Salute 40K Tournament

The tournament was yesterday, the convention ended some time today. I spent most of today recovering from my efforts and trying to overcome the pain in my back and legs… I need a new hobby or a new body.

I put way more effort into preparing for my demo game on Friday than I did for Lee’s Warhammer 40,000 tournament. I picked my army the morning of the tournament. I basically took the army I used in my last game of 40K, removed one HQ choice, replaced it with a dreadnought armed with twin-linked autocannons and then with the 200 plus points I had left over I thought, what costs 225 points, a landraider. This required me taking my special landraider transporting case, but that didn’t prove a problem until the end of the tournament.

This army did well on painting score
This army did well on painting score

I was told to arrive at 9 AM, so I set my alarm for 6:30. I didn’t get up until well after 7 AM after a sleepless night. I couldn’t find my proposed army list for this year’s Astronomi-con tournament. It turned out to be in the Warhammer Fantasy Battle directory on my MacBook Pro… I also grabbed one lascannon model instead of the that squad’s autocannon model. Other than that I arrived and promptly had a half hour or more to sit around and wait for other people to arrive before we started game one around 10 AM.

My game one opponent was Space Marines, in fact all of my opponents were loyalists space marines. There were a lot of them, with only one Imperial Guard player, last year’s army of choice at Astronomi-con. There were actually three other Chaos Space Marine players. One was running an old army which had Kharne and I never got a picture of it. The other was running the hated, double deamon prince with lash, with doubt defilers and a bunch of obliterators Iron Warriors list. I’m not sure why you try to piss off and antagonize your opponent, but if you want to, that is the army list to do it.

There were lots of Blood Angels with perhaps only one Space Wolf army. There were one or two Sister’s armies along with several Grey Knights. There were at least two ork players along with some Eldar and Dark Eldar. Hopefully Lee makes a list of which armies attended and where they placed available.

I didn’t win.

I was using a far from optimal list, one with limited mobility, limited anti-tank capability and no dedicated assault squads. What I did have was a high model count and every autocannon in my miniature collection. That was kinda the theme.

Game One

My deployment for game 1
My deployment for game 1

My opponents name escapes me, I’d never played him before. He had a black space marine army, which was partially painted. Hopefully he gets it painted in time for Astronomi-con which is the highlight of the Vancouver 40K year. It still doesn’t have a date, but it will be sometime this summer. As the boys from Winnipeg like coming to Vancouver during the summer…

I do have his army list, he had Lysander with a terminator squad in a Landraider Redeemer. I basically never shot at Landraiders or anything that autocannons couldn’t hurt, instead shooting as much as I could at whatever squad looked the most expensive. He had two tactical squads, two landspeeders, and a devestator squad which must have spent the whole game in a rhino…

Missions were randomly assigned and kept secret from your opponent. This was a throwback to second edition. It also resulted in a lot of ties as in most of my games I accomplished my mission and so did my opponent. It also resulted in some surprised winners of overall and best general. Deployment was also randomly determined on a game by game basis, which worked less well in my opinion. It would have been just quicker to have all the games have a simple deployment or to have game one be Dawn of War, game two be another deployment, etc. etc.

The tournament was 1700 points. I think 1500 points is the optimal number for a game of Warhammer 40,000 played on a six by four foot table. As a result of it being 1700 points and neither me nor my opponent being the keenest of 40K players with every rule memorized, we struggled to get our game in. I think Lee would be wiser to switch to 1500 points or even smaller on a one day tournament. It would result in less special characters and increase the likelihood everyone would have their army painted.

My mission in game one was kill points. Some people don’t like this, but I could care less, a mission, is a mission. How you perform it is what matters. I ended up not succeeding in killing more kill points worth of stuff than my opponent. I did kill Lysander and his little friends. I also killed my share of tactical marines, a rhino, but I never could hit the damn speeders and I don’t think I shot once at his Landraider Redeemer. A better army list would have some power gloves, or melta bombs, or melta guns. I didn’t have any of that stuff. I had one combi-melta and one chainfist as that is what my terminators were armed with…

If I have time and energy to spare, I’d paint another combi-melta or chainfist model. It is a struggle every year to get my proposed Astronomi-con army done. This year I’m doing pretty well. I have five partially finished bezerkers to finish then four other models. Alas those four models include: a rhino, a daemon engine, and my general…

I think I ended up drawing on the secondary objective. The secondary objective was always four randomly placed objectives, one in each quarter of the board. With no dedicated transports I was hard pressed to get any that were far from where I deployed. I twice deployed in a single quarter, this is far from optimal when you have a Chaos Dreadnought in your army.

The Beast Rabaan ended up killing at least 7 Nurgle Renegades. He may have killed a Grey Knight, but in the first game he was shutout and died to a multi-melta I believe. Multi-meltas are good, the only way a Chaos Space Marine army can get one is on a Dreadnought and unless they make dreadnoughts cheaper or give some other incentive to take them, they’ll sit on shelves like mine usually do.

It was very obvious this tournament who had a new codex and who didn’t. I still think historically Eldar are the best army in Warhammer 40,000 in the hands of a good player. But the way the marketing is geared and the way GW is set up it is to sell the latest greatest models. In order to do this they make the rules better for the current army lists than the old army lists. Grey Knights, Blood Angels, Space Wolves, and Tyranids were doing well. Imperial Guard seems to have had its moment in the sun, but currently it is probably the most versatile and cost effective army. 40K is close combat focused to a large extent so super characters, and wonder units both sell well and are rewarded when they get into H2H. The marines and the dark eldar have no shortage of ways to get their elite models into close quarters, Chaos is a tougher slog, especially when you choose to take no rhinos…

Eldar Hornets from Forgeworld
Eldar Hornets from Forgeworld

Apparently Imperial Armor stuff was OK in this tournament. That is a staple of Astronomi-con and that must be rubbing off on Vancouver tournament organizers. I didn’t know this in advance, not that it matters. I am broke and unemployed. What Forgeworld stuff I own is to improve the looks not the performance of my army. Not all Forgeworld stuff is cost effective point for point in-game, but it always looks cool.

Game Two

I was doing alright after one game. I was never in the running to win. I just don’t care or try as hard as some people do. I play for fun and I use the models I’ve been collecting and painting since I was a teenager, which is getting, longer, and longer, and longer ago.

My deployment for game two
My deployment for game two

I drew Mark Spidal who is notorious for complaining about his luck and the unfavorable rules. He had a brand new one day old Grey Knight codex and apparently it was my option whether I let him use it or not. I did and he proxied some things. Hopefully he gets everything to his liking and painted in time for Astronomi-con.

No excuses then Mark!

I set my army up in one big long line with my Landraider on one flank and the dreadnought on the other. Once again I won the role to deploy first and go first but this time, my opponent successfully stole the initiative. Mark moved around but didn’t kill much of anything. At the start of my turn, my dreadnought went crazy and killed three Nurgle Renegades with his guns.

Turn two same thing, the Beast Rabaan goes crazy and blasts away more of my models. The rest of my army concentrated on killing his Grandmaster and the Grey Knight terminators he was with, as I reasoned they would cost the most and have the most spiffy rules. My actual mission was to keep my commander alive. To that end I put Lefty in my Landraider and he stayed there all game. Mission accomplished.

Mark must have been feeling it as his Grandmaster despite having his terminator buddies shot out from around him, charged my ten man terminator squad. He threw in another Grey Knight squad in support. It was ultimately no contest. Why would you charge a terminator squad that outnumbers you? Mark and the Grey Knights got to go first and he had a bunch of power weapons and special rules, but in the end I ground him down.

Nurgle Terminators VS Grey Knights
Nurgle Terminators VS Grey Knights

Mark then started retreating. He was down to about 8 Grey Knights at the end, plus of course two landraiders… Before his full fledge retreat and hide his Brother Captain and his squad decided it would be a good idea to advance on my Nurgle Renegade tactical squad sitting on the centermost objective. They were fresh off killing my Havocs in H2H and must have been feeling it.

Never walk within 12 inches of a stationary tactical squad. 2 autocannon shots, 2 plasma gun shots, and 16 bolter shots later none of those Grey Knights were alive.

In the end we tied. I kept my general alive and Mark’s remaining living Grey Knights allowed him to complete his mission. We both had a single secondary objective. Mark claimed after the game, he could have won by ramming my tactical squad with one landraider, but instead he shot at it. This all sounds wonderful in spirit, but I could have done a lot better with a couple of rhinos instead of a dreadnought which killed more of my models than it did his. Also his special rules and snazzy characters were killed by tactical squads and sub-optimal Nurgle terminators.

Game Three

My final opponent was another Vancouverite who I’ve played before at tournaments and local stores. He was using his Salamander Space Marines but he had changed his army list significantly in preparation of this year’s Astronomi-con. Turns out James has fallen in love with scouts, he had three squads of them. One on bikes, one in the fancy landspeeder, the final squad was more traditional with sniper rifles and a missile launcher. The assault scouts had sergeants with powerfists. The sniper scouts were led by a special character, Sergeant Telion. James had another special character, Chaplain Cassius.

Chaplains are inherently annoying and another thing loyalists space marines get that Chaos Space Marines do not. However anything that can be killed by an autocannon or a bolter I can kill, so Chaplain Cassius and his fancypants Vanguard died to massed fire eventually, but not before becoming the first unit to get rid of the Nurgle terminators, after they failed their break test and the last two were run down…

The Beast Rabaan is out of control again
The Beast Rabaan is out of control again

This game was hard fought. It started out with James scouting across the board with the bikes and the speeder scouts. He also dropped a dreadnought almost on top of my noise marines. I had gotten first turn, I think, but a lot of stuff was out of range or hidden from sight. The Beast Rabaan went crazy and killed some more Nurgle Renegades after I lamented how disadvantageous a Chaos dreadnought was especially in corner deployment. Maybe I should just stick him in reserve every game, or just not field a dreadnought which is the best plan for a Chaos player.

Loyalist dreadnoughts are a lot better. They get drop pods. But that doesn’t matter when you deviate off the board. That was the end of that fellow.

The Librarian warped across the board with the Sternguard to further threaten and surround the Noisemarines. They along with my sorcerer were shot at a lot then charged by two scout squads. The powerfists did their work and James must have been feeling it as he later charged my Nurgle renegade squad. Despite half of them not getting to fight in the first round due to being up a tower, I hung on and later routed both scout squads, proving the power of the humble tactical squad.

The Beast Rabaan went crazy again on turn three, this time though he ran towards the enemy, eventually getting into H2H with a preadator tank and ripping off it’s turret and immobilizing it. I continued to fail to hurt landspeeders despite shooting many autocannon and bolter shells at it over the course of the game…

Late in Game 3
Late in Game 3

The game was getting down to the nitty gritty and once again time was tight. I reorganized my troops to maximize fire on the scouts who were running away, plus the Sternguard and the Vanguard. I killed the scouts, all but one Sternguard eventually, but the landspeeder and Vanguard were luckier. The Sternguard and Vanguard charged the dreadnought and the terminators. I liked my chances but special rules did me in. Before he died the Librarian cast some power making him able to hurt the dread in H2H. And the lucky saves for the Vanguard continued and they won the combat with the termies, who promptly failed their break test and the survivors were cut down like the cowards they were.

The last Sternguard went and hid between two tanks and the scout bikes rallied and also hid. I had been redeploying my Havocs who finally got a bead on the Vanguard and along with the Nurgle Renegades I think killed all the fancy pants loyalists. In the end James and I both accomplished our mission, but I lost the secondary one I think. Not enough mobility and scoring units.

One of many Blood Angel armies
One of many Blood Angel armies 

Then people started to clean up and wait to hear who won the various trophies and door prizes. I didn’t win anything, but this wasn’t a surprise or the goal of the day. Lee forgot to remind everyone to come to Astronomi-con Vancouver, but Dan Miner and the WCP crew are running another tournament next weekend. I don’t know if my back and life can handle two tournaments in two weeks.

I have lots of other priorities in my life and spend most of my hobby time painting, or reading online, or blogging.

Other attendees had fancier cameras than my iPhone so I’m sure more and better pictures will appear online eventually, I’ll try to link to pictures and accounts I come across.

Additional Tales of Trumpeter Salute 2011

Test Game of 40K

Regular Vancouver tournament nemesis James Russo called me up the other day. He has been working on a scenario for Astro Vancouver based around the GW Battleboard and the hill I donated to last year’s Astronomi-con. He’s dubbed it the battle of Muskie Hill.

We played on Thursday, I had had two job interviews that day, and still ended up unemployed. So after ditching my suit and since my Nurgle terminators are queued up on the painting table, I decided to finally re-base my old ones on 40mm round bases. I thought I had enough, but turns out I was three short, the three I used to base the Forgeworld Deathguard Terminators, they should have been on resin bases I guess…  I can’t remember every detail of every modeling project I ever planned out, that’s why you write stuff down. Re-basing old Nurgle Terminators

I decided to use 2 part resin epoxy because gravity would hold the models to their new bigger bases. However the fancy syringe device I bought to apply the epoxy didn’t work. The yellow part was two viscous or solid to expel from the tube. So I ended up with a bit of a mess and sub-optimal mixtures of epoxy resin. I used a lot of toothpicks to get the other part of the resin mixture out of the syringe and though it took a while, all the bases held together for the trip to James’ house and the entire game. I also begged three more 40mm round bases off of James while there.

For an army list I decided to use at least one of the new Nurgle Havocs I’d just finished painting and went with my 10 man, Plasma Gun and Autocanon squad that I dreamed up years ago and finally finished painting twins of. Then I brought my “Longed Four” Havoc squad with four more autocanons and if you hadn’t guessed it, I fielded yet more autocanons with the Nurgle Terminators. Picking all these squads was easy, and I threw in another squad that I’d been dreaming of using since before the latest codex came out, Noisemarines. Ten man strong Nurgle terminator squad

James couldn’t grasp this squad, it is six men, with one single Blastmaster. It is cheap, fearless, has a heavy weapon, and can move and fire the heavy weapon. It is going to remain a staple of my army for the year leading up to 2011 Astronomi-con Vancouver.

I needed some HQ so since portability in addition to autocanons and just plain time spent sitting on a shelf were the attributes I picked this army around, I went with two Chaos Sorcerers. Most people don’t seem to dig on them, but they can be cheap HQs and if they get lucky can do damage with their Force Weapon. I never get lucky. My new gaming dice

The other thing I got to debut at James’ house were my new dice. I’m notoriously unlucky, and another regular tournament nemesis is color blind and my old nurgle dice were hard to read. So I got new ‘toxic green’ dice which I had to wait for them to restock at a store online.  I also got green Bolter and Chainsword dice which proved a lot easier to read than the toxic ones and will be my main gaming dice going forward. Finally I ordered some special red dice for plasma guns as the one is replaced by a skull signifying you burnt yourself. It shouldn’t change the odds, but if used consistently can speed up the game. Big B&C green dice for heavy weapons, little toxic dice for bolters, red dice for plasma guns. Shooting should be a snap for all.

As I pulled out my miniatures at James’ house, I realized Internet experts will hate this army. I also broke all my own little rules, that I’ve been following when building armies for tournaments.  I had:

  • No Powerfist
  • No Unit Champions
  • No Lascanon
  • No Vehicles
  • No mobility
  • No dedicated assault squad

My sub-optimal Chaos army

What I had was a bunch of autocanons, a bunch of bolters, a bunch of toughness 5 models and a few initiative 5 models. I also had a 400+ point squad that was just a collection of figures. I’d used ten terminators in a squad once before, because it used to be fairly portable, but with the new bigger bases I need to use my biggest miniature case to transport them. They did well against Rob’s Imperial Guard, but it seems likely they are unlikely to earn their points back, and that they’d ultimately end up under a pie plate or other wonder weapon.

They have one thing going for them, they are a total surprise, no one plans to kill ten toughness 5 terminators. It just isn’t on people’s radar or playtesting lists. I use little kid tactics with them, I walk forward and shoot. That is all they do until they have to fight in H2H which usually goes pretty well for them, but it is their mobile anti-Infantry firepower that is fun. They also kill Chimeras pretty well.

I quite liked this army and if the weather improves may take a variation of it to Strategies tomorrow for a little more gaming action. But right now it is pouring down rain. This is kinda the army I was thinking of taking to Trumpeters. I don’t want to have to paint anything special, but I think drop one Nurgle Renegade Squad and a sorcerer, add some Plaguemarines in a rhino and for even less optimal autocanon love, a dreadnought, the Beast Rabaan. Also based on how the game went, some melta bombs and another Chainfist would be nice. But I don’t want to paint another terminator, so I may just make the chainfist guy a champion for an extra attack.

Actual Battle Report

How I deployed my forces

James’ mission revolves around taking a flag at the top of a hill.  So it is basically a higher ground or king of the hill type mission. I’ve played those before but with no APCs and no dedicated assault squads I was in for a bit of a slog. I was expecting Tyranids so I planned to just blast them with autocanons and then use the termies to contest. The sorcerers didn’t end up doing much, neither did the Nurgle Renegades, the squads that saved the day were the Noise Marines and their Initiative 5, plus their sorcerer buddy, Lefty with his Initiative 6 and of course the steady diet of 8 autocanon shots the “Longed Four” kicked out every turn. Terminator armor and cover are all well and fine but I got off 48 shots with autocanons from that squad alone during the course of the game.

James’ army was Codex Marines, I think he called them the Emerald Guard or the Emerald Legion. They were green and I’d never seen them before. They were still WIP, but for the most part had a tactical squad, a devastator squad with 4 missile launchers, a terminator squad with a cyclone missile launcher, two scout squads, a Librarian in Terminator Armor, a twin-linked Lascanon dreadnought and three landspeeders in a squadron that I never shot at once.

The game went how I expected it. Both sides advanced most of their army up the hill. Difficult terrain rolls play a factor, but you can run, if you decide not to try and shoot. James got a lot of cover saves, me not so many. Since power armor gives you a 3+ save, often I set up to maximize what I can see and just suck up the incoming fire. The terminators drew a lot of incoming fire. James’ dread rolled a lot of ones. Eventually there was H2H between the surviving three terminators and the dread, plus the Nurgle Sorcerer McFly who was hanging around with them for safety. He couldn’t hurt the dread, only the Chainfist dude could. So despite penetrating every round I rolled a 4, then a 3, then a 2 as the game dragged on.

James advances his forces

As alluded to, the Noisemarines without Sonic Blasters walked forward and fired their Blastmaster. Their sorcerer tried to cast his spell (Doombolt) but was nullified. Eventually James charged them with his ‘assault’ scouts. I thought this was a mistake and told him that at Initiative 5, I was going to enjoy going first. I think he charged in some tactical marines eventually too. The sorcerer and his Force Weapon which counts as a Power Weapon did his thing.

Hand to hand fighting on the hill top

The two Nurgle Renegade squads didn’t do so much. One was forced to take point on the assault up the hill and was reduced to one model fairly rapidly. That model then skulked around for a turn or two before dying. The other squad fired their autocanon and eventually their plasma gun more and advanced much more slowly. They eventually ran for it as the game came to a close.

If the game had ended on turn 5, James would have won, but it continued and my Slaneesh Sorcerer was able to defeat his foes and run to within 3 inches of the flag with his consolidation move. If the game had gone another turn, James had planned to fly the Speeders on top of the flag and there would have also been a Chaos Sorcerer VS Space Marine Librarian hoedown. I may have also gotten some more guys on top of the hill, or just blasted James off with another volley of Autocanon shots.

The game ends in a tie

There were secondary objectives that I largely ignored. Also my Havocs took a strength 5 hit from an earthquake or something for not getting on the hill. They were fine. It ended up a 7-7 tie as none of James’ carefully chosen secondary objectives and mission penalties applied.

Scoring seven points in an Astro game is pretty damn good. Maybe not good enough if you want to win best general, but seven is well above the average score I usually earn, and with a totally thrown together army too.

How’s this for a trench table?

Madscuzzy over at the B&C has built one he built in six large pieces so he has some modularity.  He used a lot of sets of Forgeworld trench inserts similar to what Jason Dyer did a few years back for Astronomi-con. His table is all done and he’s gaming on it.

Madscuzzy's Trench Table

When I get mine done it will be more modular, but unfortunately I’m doing all my trench lining by hand and I’ve done a lot more texturing of the battlefield. I’ve gone for a more authentic WW1 look, rather than a pure Sci-fi look of Madscuzzy’s board. Lets see if I can get some pictures of Dyer Straights and his board onto my blog.

Madscuzzy's Trench Table

The first two images are from the Bolter & Chainsword thread and are copyright Madscuzzy who has an overly fancy website where the 40K section doesn’t work quite right…

Below is a picture of Jason Dyer’s table and the Egyptian table formerly at Checkpoint Charlie’s in North Vancouver and now in the Astronomi-con terrain collection.

Jason Dyer's Trench Table
Jason Dyer’s Trench Table

I played on it and that was another of my Astronomi-con armies that finished tied for second or third in appearance. Yes once again I’m playing James Russo’s tyranids for the hawk-eyed among you.

Gaming terrain formerly at Checkpoint Charlie's
Gaming terrain formerly at Checkpoint Charlie’s

Additional Trench Tables

Remember these models?

Work In Progress Models
Work In Progress Models

Well they are still not finished.  Finishing up all the models on my desk and in my painting queue was another post-Astronomi-con Vancouver goal. Speaking of Astro Van the official scores were released today. I finished tied for 2nd in Best Appearance and lost the trophy due to tie breakers. Apparently no one voted for me for best army, while 3 people voted for Will’s Iron Warriors.  Oh well perhaps if I finish my army before 4AM the day of the tournament…

I’ll have to see about improving my appearance score by one more point, it’ll be tough but not impossible. Maybe I should join a club and try to get some friends and family votes…  I finished 12th overall which is another personal best, but I think I could have done better in Games 3 and 6, if not winning at least getting a draw. So the goal for next year is to finish my trench table, try to improve my painting score some how, and to win at least three games, hopefully four. Given twelve months it might be doable, though it has gotten hot again.

Primed or mostly assembled
Primed or mostly assembled

First thing I need to do is apply for more jobs. I’m still waiting to hear back from some company that might want me, but I found a few jobs yesterday that I was just too tired or lazy to apply for. I think I’ll be applying to those this afternoon. Then this evening back to the painting desk. I gotta finish the 2nd test bezerker and the purple Bloodletter. Both are only an hour or so away from being done. Then I think I might paint some Gretchin…

That’s right three Gretchin have wormed their way into my paint queue and I think I can clear them out pretty quick. Then there are a bunch of Diseased Sons that I’m going to do to complete certain units for this codex. A new Chaos Codex would complicate my life but I think it is more than 12 months away, so eventually I’ll be doing Bezerkers, more Chosen, and some giant robots in theory for next year’s Astronomi-con Vancouver. The Servants of Decay might have to wait another year, as will my orks. I only paint so fast and the trench table is going to take most of my hobby time I think.

Post-Astronomi-con Vancouver 2010

So tradition dictates that I make a new army list and paint campaign badges on all the models that perticipated in the tournament. That is finished much earlier than usual. I uploaded a bunch more pictures to Flickr, I painted all the red diamonds and brass letters in one sitting. I had a couple beers and my advise is use non-metallic paint for the text and paint your most important models first if you’re drinking.

My future army lists are top secret, I don’t want the riff raff and rivals to have an unfair advantage. After all it is now a proven fact that the road to Best Overall at Astronomi-con Vancouver goes over my dead body.

Old metal Khorne Bezerkers
Old metal Khorne Bezerkers

Maybe next year I’ll field a more competitive army and be in contention on day two. You never know I used to be a contender. In my first GT I got quite a few battle points, I think three wins, a draw, and a loss. But that was long ago, probably two editions of the game and maybe three of the Chaos Codex. I’ll be finishing off all the unfinished models on my painting desk and then more Bezerkers so I can use my Blood Slaughterer. I even sorted through my old metal Berzerker models late last night and chose the four I would do up next.

Thanks again to Jim Bell for getting most of these models for me.

Nick Daniels and Jason Dyer have typed up post-Astronomi-con blog posts and hopefully a few more accounts will appear, maybe from the Americans or Kelownaites or whatever you call people from Kelowna. I know James Chen took a pile of notes as did Devon when I played him, so perhaps some more battle reports will be forthcoming. In the mean time you can go re-read mine or just explore Flickr which will hopefully get more pictures from the event. There was even a videographer present so look for some YouTube videos perhaps.

Favourite Rhino

Renegade With Nurgling For Brain

Bob The Necessary Evil

Favourite Plaguemarine

Blister Packmate

Chaos Renegade Of Tzeentch

Long Hair Leader

Slaneesh Renegade