Nurgle Forge World Terminators

Currently the second rust effect and the second verdigris effect paint is drying on my Nurgle Forge World Terminators…

I don’t have a lot of the time for the hobby, but I do try to paint every Sunday and I sometimes get a little painting in after work, but generally I’m tired and busy. Currently the second rust effect and the second verdigris effect paint is drying on my Nurgle Forge World Terminators, but I’ve been taking work-in-progress photos during the day so I can share those.

These models are now out-of-print and people are expecting me to just cough up my other two alas I didn’t get your DM bro. But it is not my responsibility to buy models with my limited income over the last twenty years then carefully keep the models in mint unassembled condition so you can then have them whenever you post to social media. My advice to you is build a time machine, or pay the Internet price.

How I painted these models

This is at least the second post about these models and there was a third model I primed years ago, that was actually finished first. That was the first green Diseased Son Nurgle Chaos Space Marine Renegade model I’ve painted in years. I guess I can dig out a picture of the finished model once again. I need to take more pictures of my old models and post them to Flickr, it is a much better repository than Instagram.

Blightlord Terminator
The finished Nurgle Forge World Terminator miniature

These models of course belong to the Right Hard Posse which is currently being run as Blightlord Terminators but will probably become Nurgle Chaos Renegade Terminators when the next Chaos Codex comes out. I have the original lead Rogue Trader era models then I probably have most of the 2nd edition metal models. Then of course I have the first plastic CSM Terminator models which I’ve augmented with the Forge World bits as shown above. I even did champions and terminator lords over the years.

All the Nurgle Terminators I rebased
The Right Hard Posse

I actually stripped and repainted some of my old OOP Chaos Terminator models, the lord may have been painted three times in total. But this is not supposed to be a greatest hits post. The new models I’m actually trying to paint less well. I used random greens, browns, purples, reds, and metallic paints. One good thing about Nurgle is no one expects your army to match perfectly and mine is so old, people often don’t know what army I’m even playing or codex I’m using.

Da Kan Opena
Another converted terminator model with Forge World bits

I actually got to bust out some of my evil dark reds for these models, I painted some blood drops and the tank on the combi-flamer first terracotta then various red, including some Reaper Master Series paints I bought at Imperial Hobbies. I’ll probably hit the blood with Blood for the Blood God technical paint after I varnish the models. I actually varnish my models because they are gaming pieces. I’ve learned that this reactivates both pigments and the Dirty Down Rust product, but what can you do, I want the Dirty Down to interact with the other rust paints and washes I’ve used so can not apply it after varnishing, but I can apply the glossy Blood for the Blood God.

I just got out the poisonous “wine spirts” as the British call them and uses some of my formerly internet famous rust pigments. I may even use some other Internet famous pigments to produce a more yellow rust. Dirty Down has released a yellower rust product and yellow isn’t a color I use often. I learned about these pigments from Hirst Arts, they are Doc O’Briens and mine have sat unused for years because I think for rust AwesomePaintJob’s selection is enough, but now that I’ve gone rust effect crazy, perhaps it is time for some yellow pigment to be added to my models.

The Bubonic Blades which are a little out of focus, Bill is slipping he hasn’t complained or commented on any of my social media posts for a bit. The Bubonic Blades were painted with some cherrypicked Monument Hobbies ProAcryl miniature paints. This is a bit different than what I usually do. I own a lot of green paint, I’d say 20% of my paint is greenish. I even have green metallic paint which GW used to sell and I used it along with their purple metallic on these models.

I actually used a lot of different metallics on these models. I used the Dark Bronze from ProAcryl but I used new Citadel paints and old Citadel paints too. I also used Vallejo, Army Painter, Nostalgia ’88, Warcolors, and Wargames Foundry triad system paints. I waste a lot of paint using the droppers some people love, but they may use wet palettes. I may have to bust mine out after all these year, but I am one of the few people online who tries to paint worse than they used to paint. I even take off my glasses because my prescription is for distance and they make miniature painting worse. I never got out the magnifying headset for these models and honestly I think they look fine, even if my photos are blurry.

Maybe if I post another poorly focussed picture Bill will be summoned. I shared them on his Discord server and he said nothing, even DiceHateKris was silent. It is like my slaving away at the painting desk using long out of print paints on long out of print models doesn’t even matter to them anymore.

Luckily for me I have one fan on the Bolter and Chainsword who lives in Edmonton and threatens to come to Calgary and force me to actually play a game of Warhammer 40,000 with my every growing collection of painted Chaos Space Marine models. My posts also usually get liked by fellow bloggers but do very poorly on Mark Zuckerberg’s walled garden of a social network. I refuse to optimize my social media usage to maximize vanity metrics. I continue to hope that eventually my twenty plus years of hard work will again be noticed by the corporate overlords.

Paint then drink and blog

If you guessed I randomly opened a very strong beer you’d be correct. It is called Deth’s Tar and it has sat in a box in my apartment for months until this evening when I just gave’r. That is a genuine Canadian expression we even conjugate it. I taught Canadian slang to my fellow English teachers when I was in China, they were quite impressed with all the words we have associated with drinking.

I myself am going on vacation next Friday. I am going to Scotland and I will give’r. I have booked myself into a very long, very detailed whisky tour. Then I am pressing on to the far North of Scotland where my family originally came from. I am not a big whisky drinker. I actually prefer Irish whisky or bourbon over Scotch, but I want to make my coworkers jealous. I have some fans in Scotland and if I was smarter maybe I would have gone to Warhammer World in Nottingham, but I’ll just have to visit the UK again and tour whisky distilleries on Islay.

A long time ago, or not that long ago depending on your thinking, Sarah McLachlan’s band had Corb Lund on bass and Luke Doucet on lead guitar. Now I’ve never seen Sarah McLachlan play but I’ve seen Luke Doucet many times. However, the reason I mention this is actually because of Corb Lund who is an Albertan whom my sister loves. I could not link to the official video, because Corb wouldn’t let me embed it on my blog, Corb why you do me this way?

My sister actually just finished her annual poker tournament, I’ll be in Scotland during some charity poker tournament I was asked to play in. I don’t even like Rye whiskey or poker particularly, but I like songs about poker and whisky. Corb seems open to drinking Irish whiskey. My sister is overdue for her annual visit to Alberta, alas she seems more interested in dinosaur bones and high tea than drinking whisky in honkytonks.

Last time she visited we did go to the Calgary Stampede and saw the rodeo, so maybe she’s gotten it out of her blood.

This is the end.

This blog has really gone off the rails. I’ll post one more picture because I’m going to have let that toxic mixture of poison and pigment dry overnight and then hit post, because these models are not getting finished this evening and GW is probably not going to feature this blog post on their podcast.

If you have questions about whisky, beer, or painting Nurgle you can leave a comment below. I gotta go.

Not dead, still painting Nurgle

January is the busiest month of the year at work. We are still trying to fix everything and complete all our obligations but I try to make a little time on Sundays to paint…

January is the busiest month of the year at work. We are still trying to fix everything and complete all our obligations but I try to make a little time on Sundays to paint and yes I have been taking pictures of the two models I am currently working on. They are two old Forge World Nurgle terminators which I of course will run as Blightlords at least initially.

You might remember the Fabulous Mister Toad, he has gotten two coast of gloss varnish plus a little Blood for the Blood God. He still hasn’t gotten on the table but he was in the last army list I wrote out which I will have to redo after the January Balance Slate. Perhaps next weekend Bill and I can resume our rivalry.

Forge World Nurgle Terminators

These models have been converted and primed for many years, going back to my time in East Vancouver before yet another stint of unemployment and of course working in China for four years. I don’t really need more Nurgle Terminators at least not those with what GW is calling combi-weapons. These models have a combi-flamer and a combi-melta and I wish both were still options. The other conversion was to use two bits one of which is definitely Black Templar one to make an Icon.

Somewhat Random Green Paints

When I painted the last one I used green paints I owned at the time. This would have been around Week 7 of our narrative campaign during 9th Edition. Since then I’ve bought more paint but I’ve also thrown more paint away. The original Diseased Sons painting scheme involved drybrushing and used what I now suspect was a slightly off pot of Ghoul Grey. It also of course used Ork Flesh and Waaagh Green Ink. More recently but still in the previous millennium it may have used Dark Angels Green and I definitely regularly use the red lid pot of green glaze.

Blightlord Terminator

I did buy a paint mixer, but some pots just have separated too much or never were mixed well. The new miniatures paints are supposedly so much better than those from twenty or more years ago. I also switched from Smelly Primer to Chaos Black primer so I don’t need to start with such a dark green in my experience. I always use at least one wash so generally I go darker then brighter then darker then lighter until I finally say “enough” which you’d know if you followed my painting vow last year.

My midtone green has changed the most as I keep trying out different paints. The final highlight remains a hexagon era pot of Striking Scorpion Green. Sometimes I use multiple midtones, but my dream is to have a triad plus a wash and maybe a glaze. More than five coats of paint I of course do, but I really got to break that habit on rank and file models. My pot of Bilious Green died so if I want to go really bright green, I may now use a non-Citadel colour. However I remain somewhat subconscious of going too bright as my style has been called cartoony.

On this batch I also tried two new metallic paints, likely some recommend by Vinny V, a Vallejo Airbrush Colors one and a Signature Pro Acryl Dark Bronze I had high hopes for. That paint really needed a lot of mixing, it was the least well mixed Pro Acryl pot I’ve tried. I find you still want a highlight on your metallics and a wash so I’ll hopefully get back to painting soon, but you can see where I left the models this afternoon below.

I also did the traditional random brown drybrush of my beach sand. I went with a very new Citadel base color, then a poorly mixed pot of Vallejo Model Color followed by two Foundry Triad colors so my dirt is partly British Uniform Brown for those who remember my brief foray into historically accurate miniature painting.

New Chaos Space Marine Codex

I’m not sure when it will come out, in the past I read all the rumours and of course I bought the last CSM Codex but I never used it. In 10th Edition the Chaos Space Marine Codex comes out way before the Death Guard Codex. I was never really a Death Guard player, that codex came out while I was out of the hobby. I started the Diseased Sons at the dawn of second edition so they were definitely a homebrew Chapter of Nurgle Renegades.

Over the years I expanded into non-Nurgle models even models worshipping the other Chaos Powers. So in order to use more of my painted miniature collection I’ll probably benefit from switching to using the Chaos Space Marine Codex as my main book. I think that was the ultimate plan for 9th edition. I can still run some Death Guard, some Daemons and even a Chaos Knight. I can still hopefully do a pure Nurgle army, but I could also field some models that haven’t seen a gaming table in a decade or more, if ever.

Chaos Space Marines

I want to wrap this post up, but if you have thoughts on painting green, brown, or metallics or the proper way to play Death Guard or Chaos Space Marines or even if you just have some random speculation about the codex you can leave a comment below. I’m tempted to make my army a lot different, lots of bikers or raptors or havocs or even all three? I have plenty of bog standard bolter guys.

Painting a Plague Toad

It is actually almost finished. I have a bad habit of applying one more highlight then one more wash then of course one more highlight…

It is actually almost finished. I have a bad habit of applying one more highlight then one more wash then of course one more highlight. The only thing I might highlight more is the lone eyeball. I really want to it to pop.

If you tuned in last week or follow me on Instagram you would have seen earlier work-in-progress pics of this model. It is a Plague Toad of Nurgle made by Forge World but I plan to field it as a Chaos Spawn, as you must run them in units of two in the current rules for Warhammer 40,000. This model who I’ve dubbed the Fabulous Mister Toad will accompany Maceo the Mutated for all eternity or at least until they update the rules again.

This WIP shot was posted to Instagram

I tested out some Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl paints on this model. And I know people complain about the pots, I don’t mind them that much, but one of the advantages of the flip tops if you just need a little dab of paint, you can get just one brush full from a traditional Citadel style pot. With Vallejo or Pro Acryl I tend to put more paint than I need on my palette. Maybe if I switch back to a wet palette this would be less an issue but I paint random colours and use a lot of washes so I like my hard plastic palette with little spots for washes.

The secret weapon to this colour scheme and it literally was manufactured by Secret Weapon which may be no more is Baby Poop. This was a formula developed by Les Burley. It is more viscous than some washes you may be used using but doesn’t separate as much as his AwesomePaintJob dot com ones. The closest thing to it in GW’s range is probably Mortarion Grime but Baby Poop is more yellow brown and Mortarion Grime is more greenish. I did use Mortarion Grime on the pustules and bone on the Plague Toad.

I liked the pustules better when they were a darker English Uniform Brown, but I highlighted up and even used a yellow, but then I toned that down with the aforementioned Mortarion Grime. The first time I used Baby Poop I put it on really thick as you can see in the banner but I did a second coat thinned with water. For Mortarion Grime I tend to paint straight from the pot.

Besides Pro Acryl and Vallejo and Citadel I used paints by Wargames Foundry and Reaper and maybe some others. I didn’t use a lot of technical paints but I plan to put varnish on this model then I may put some Blood for the Blood God on bits particularly the tongue.

Plague Toad of Nurgle
The Fabulous Mister Toad

I took even more WIP pictures. I think I shared them to Bill‘s Discord server, no one said anything. I assume I will play him again soon in Warhammer 40,000 as he always likes to kill the freshest Chaos Spawn. We’ll see how my spray sealant likes the below zero weather we have in Calgary. Worst case scenario I go seal it in one of the two parking spots I own.

If you have thoughts on paint, painting, Nurgle, Forge World models or how Fabulous Mister Toad looks you can leave a comment below.

Painted Today

It wasn’t much, but I did put several coats of new paint on my counts as Chaos Spawn…

It wasn’t much, but I did put several coats of new paint on my counts as Chaos Spawn. I’m using this model to try out some of the new paints I’ve bought but also just to paint something dark and dirty and slimy looking as my first two Chaos Spawn were bright and multi-colored.

Chaos Spawn
My first Chaos Spawn, Billalexdevin
Stumpy Spawn of Chaos
Stumpy, Spawn of Chaos

Maceo the Mutated was also an experiment as I dry brushed him. This model is from Forge World and I decided I wasn’t going to use dry brushing on the Plague Toad of Nurgle but rather switch back to black primer and try out some paints I got from Monument Hobbies. I also got even more paints from them and other companies via a game store in Edmonton.

Now even more fancy paints have been released and I’ll have to try them if they come in to the Sentry Box or perhaps in the new year I will place an order from somewhere online but so far I’ve just seen some videos about the latest greatest miracle paint.

I still have nostalgia for the old paints and I do paint from the pot or even a dry palette most of the time. I probably should thin my paint more and use better brushes and I definitely should remember to wear my magnifying headset because as it got dark today I decided to wrap things up, whereas in the olden days I used to paint late into the night.

I poured these old hex pots into droppers but they’ve gotten so thick.

Now I think it is time to have another beer. I generally don’t paint and drink, mainly because my painting desk is covered in stuff. At some point in the future I may get a bigger place and have more room for painting and gaming, but I’m just glad I slapped some fancy paint on fancy models and I’m confident that although Matt Cexwish’s “Brown Grey” dried way more grey than brown, I’ll make it work by highlighting with greens and browns and probably throwing “baby poop” over top because that is a secret weapon you can learn about online for painting Nurgle.

In the banner hopefully you can see I painted Grey Seer over parts I want to be lighter, I may even use Contrast Paint over it. I used a new GW brown base paint on the portions that I’ll eventually become browny bone. I also did order a bunch of paint before Halloween and none of them have been used yet, so I’ll bust open at least the two yellow greens.

The newest paints I’m going to try real soon now.

Some of the paints very much were recommend by Vince Venturella including his beloved Intense Wood. Hopefully he gets around to updating his recommended paint video. I don’t watch a lot of YouTube painting videos, I kinda know how to paint, but as I ranted about recently, Google very much sends you to their other website YouTube or websites that will sell you stuff rather than an informative blog post on say why you should use a Landraider Redeemer in 10th Edition Warhammer 40,000.

Bill and I did not play 40K this weekend, perhaps he is still recovering from our beer tasting. I’m tasting some more advent calendar craft beer as I type this and in the new year I am planning a trip to Scotland where I may do some serious damage to my liver by going to some distilleries. I have one follower in Edinburgh on Instagram not sure if he reads my miniature painting blog.

I know there are not that many work-in-progress photos in this post. Perhaps I’ll take another one now that things have dried and I can even use my lightbox. But until you put on some some highlights and perhaps some shading via a wash, the model isn’t very exciting. I blocked in the base colors so it meets GW’s old standards for battle readiness, but I have not glued the Plague Toad to the base as I want to get some details on the bottom of the toad in case it breaks off mid-game.

See I did get up and put it together and in the light box, take that Instagram!

I actually wanted to drybrush the skulls, that is why the model isn’t on the base yet, I’ll put at least a little bit more paint on the toad itself, though I seem to be rubbing off some off, including my Vallejo Model Color brown violet (70887) which thanks to that “paint mixer” I bought is finally more usable, so expect to see some dark greeny browns used on some pox walkers perhaps but what I really need to paint in 2024 is some vehicles so I can kill other vehicles without running over to them and stabbing them with rusty knifes or having my Nurglings use their diseased claws and teeth.

I have a lot of paint I ordered online from my brief foray into painting accurate WW1 Canadian Infantry but a lot of them have proven useful in painting Nurgle models of Chaos Cultists. Painting more cultists is definitely on my to do list but probably after some more Blightlords. I will eventually switch to using the Chaos Codex as I’m not really a Death Guard player, I’m more of a Nurgle Renegades kinds guy, after all they are the Diseased Sons not the Death Guard.

This post turned out plenty long and although it doesn’t have the greatest pictures, it does have some plus links and even embedded video clips! So if you have thoughts on old paints, new paints, unreleased paints or social media influencers you can leave a comment below. My posts seem to be getting a couple comments and likes, but people in the Death Guard Facebook group remain blissfully ignorant thanks to Mark’s walled garden.

Paint Harder!

As all three of my loyal readers may remember I foolishly made a vow to paint every model that was primed and on my painting table by a certain date…

As all three of my loyal readers may remember I foolishly made a vow to paint every model that was primed and on my painting table by a certain date. That date is fast approaching and I have been spending an ungodly amount of time alone in my apartment painting not one, not two, not three but six models.

I’m on the last two miniatures and I may have to lower my standards or otherwise cut corners using Citadel’s Contrast Paints as much as possible and even some dry brushing. But then of course I spent an entire Saturday just painting the bases of two models. I think I also touched up the base of Maceo the Mutated. Bases are important, so I’ve been told by painting judges.

Maceo the Mutated

The two models I spent all weekend painting are the Death Guard Plague Surgeon who apparently has a name, Nauseous Rotenone, but that isn’t what I’m calling mine. In our 9th Edition Warhammer 40,000 narrative campaign, the not quite legendary Siege of Vanithros’s Bastion I planned to take the Plague Surgeon because he had a special objective for which I dutifully converted a special objective marker.

Astute readers will note that we are now in the time of Warhammer 40,000 tenth edition and that before the latest point cut the Plague Surgeon wasn’t considered the greatest, but his Nurgling infested objective, featuring the most legendary Nurgling ever sculpted, standing atop a very specific Space Marine from a very specific Chapter, was something I was looking forward to painting. Alas I had to really think hard about how I’d get this conversion painted in under two weeks, while still looking awesome.

The Ultramarine is base coated in the manner Bill insisted upon but then I used Army Painter Strong Tone and some very OOP Citadel paints to highlight and shade the armour. I didn’t go too bright because I plan to go heavy with rust and maybe blood and guts effects. But as I learned from repainting Cancerous the Extremely Naughty you can’t really do both on top of each other, at least not without more carefully planning.

The Plague Surgeon used a technique I’ve been wanting to try that others have been running with. Basically it is lots of thin washes, I used Contrast Paint, Guilliman Flesh was what was recommended. I also used a lot of Wraithbone on these two models regularly touching it up. I still used some tiny lines and three different white paints so far. It is not my best work, but Bill likes it.

The Plague Surgeon has on a lot of robes on so those too get the Contrast paint treatment, but then I did some quick highlights and used one colour that doesn’t seem to get a lot of love online, Mortarion Grime. I’ve been putting it over grey and I’m going to use it even more often, after all he is the Primarch of the Death Guard. Not sure I’ll pollute my white with more washes and glazes, but I’m tempted, this is probably the only Plague Surgeon I’ll paint. I may do one of each Foetid Virion or I may just do a few, I own the Tallyman but the one I also want is the Foul Blightspawn, he and the Plague Surgeon may lead the Burning Sores.

Before the latest points change I was planning on using three Icon Bearers as I have those models painted. I may paint two more icon bearers, as I want one per squad and they have snazzy new models. Unfortunately, you can only field three in your entire army now. With the maximum Plague Marine squad size now being ten, I’ll reorganize my models so there are two additional squads, but three squads is probably plenty for an average game, but I still may outnumber my opponent as I plan to run plenty of Nurglings and I may go full horde with cultists and even some Poxwalkers as I probably can contrast paint the hell out of them.

If you have thoughts on how to paint pale Death Guard armour or why Ultramarines are the most boring chapter to feature on an objective you can leave a comment below my latest two Plague Marines, Morslug and Morslug’s spare head.

Plague Marines with Plague Flamers