Painted Today

It wasn’t much, but I did put several coats of new paint on my counts as Chaos Spawn…

It wasn’t much, but I did put several coats of new paint on my counts as Chaos Spawn. I’m using this model to try out some of the new paints I’ve bought but also just to paint something dark and dirty and slimy looking as my first two Chaos Spawn were bright and multi-colored.

Chaos Spawn
My first Chaos Spawn, Billalexdevin
Stumpy Spawn of Chaos
Stumpy, Spawn of Chaos

Maceo the Mutated was also an experiment as I dry brushed him. This model is from Forge World and I decided I wasn’t going to use dry brushing on the Plague Toad of Nurgle but rather switch back to black primer and try out some paints I got from Monument Hobbies. I also got even more paints from them and other companies via a game store in Edmonton.

Now even more fancy paints have been released and I’ll have to try them if they come in to the Sentry Box or perhaps in the new year I will place an order from somewhere online but so far I’ve just seen some videos about the latest greatest miracle paint.

I still have nostalgia for the old paints and I do paint from the pot or even a dry palette most of the time. I probably should thin my paint more and use better brushes and I definitely should remember to wear my magnifying headset because as it got dark today I decided to wrap things up, whereas in the olden days I used to paint late into the night.

I poured these old hex pots into droppers but they’ve gotten so thick.

Now I think it is time to have another beer. I generally don’t paint and drink, mainly because my painting desk is covered in stuff. At some point in the future I may get a bigger place and have more room for painting and gaming, but I’m just glad I slapped some fancy paint on fancy models and I’m confident that although Matt Cexwish’s “Brown Grey” dried way more grey than brown, I’ll make it work by highlighting with greens and browns and probably throwing “baby poop” over top because that is a secret weapon you can learn about online for painting Nurgle.

In the banner hopefully you can see I painted Grey Seer over parts I want to be lighter, I may even use Contrast Paint over it. I used a new GW brown base paint on the portions that I’ll eventually become browny bone. I also did order a bunch of paint before Halloween and none of them have been used yet, so I’ll bust open at least the two yellow greens.

The newest paints I’m going to try real soon now.

Some of the paints very much were recommend by Vince Venturella including his beloved Intense Wood. Hopefully he gets around to updating his recommended paint video. I don’t watch a lot of YouTube painting videos, I kinda know how to paint, but as I ranted about recently, Google very much sends you to their other website YouTube or websites that will sell you stuff rather than an informative blog post on say why you should use a Landraider Redeemer in 10th Edition Warhammer 40,000.

Bill and I did not play 40K this weekend, perhaps he is still recovering from our beer tasting. I’m tasting some more advent calendar craft beer as I type this and in the new year I am planning a trip to Scotland where I may do some serious damage to my liver by going to some distilleries. I have one follower in Edinburgh on Instagram not sure if he reads my miniature painting blog.

I know there are not that many work-in-progress photos in this post. Perhaps I’ll take another one now that things have dried and I can even use my lightbox. But until you put on some some highlights and perhaps some shading via a wash, the model isn’t very exciting. I blocked in the base colors so it meets GW’s old standards for battle readiness, but I have not glued the Plague Toad to the base as I want to get some details on the bottom of the toad in case it breaks off mid-game.

See I did get up and put it together and in the light box, take that Instagram!

I actually wanted to drybrush the skulls, that is why the model isn’t on the base yet, I’ll put at least a little bit more paint on the toad itself, though I seem to be rubbing off some off, including my Vallejo Model Color brown violet (70887) which thanks to that “paint mixer” I bought is finally more usable, so expect to see some dark greeny browns used on some pox walkers perhaps but what I really need to paint in 2024 is some vehicles so I can kill other vehicles without running over to them and stabbing them with rusty knifes or having my Nurglings use their diseased claws and teeth.

I have a lot of paint I ordered online from my brief foray into painting accurate WW1 Canadian Infantry but a lot of them have proven useful in painting Nurgle models of Chaos Cultists. Painting more cultists is definitely on my to do list but probably after some more Blightlords. I will eventually switch to using the Chaos Codex as I’m not really a Death Guard player, I’m more of a Nurgle Renegades kinds guy, after all they are the Diseased Sons not the Death Guard.

This post turned out plenty long and although it doesn’t have the greatest pictures, it does have some plus links and even embedded video clips! So if you have thoughts on old paints, new paints, unreleased paints or social media influencers you can leave a comment below. My posts seem to be getting a couple comments and likes, but people in the Death Guard Facebook group remain blissfully ignorant thanks to Mark’s walled garden.

Author: Muskie

Making the Internet better since 1995.

3 thoughts on “Painted Today”

    1. They were experiments, so was the third one that didn’t get his photo reposted. But the fourth one Mister Toad, or should it be Mr. Toad has had a little more work done on him. I posted a picture on Instagram on Monday night but then I put a wash over it. I tend to do things that are experiments and yeah Chaos Spawn are good for experimenting on. My old models the paint is no longer in production, the paint is solid, so I can try to get close to the old paint jobs or I can go in a completely different direction. In 9th and now 10th edition the most Plague Marines I’ve fielded I think is 25 which is actually only three squads. So that may be the future, especially the near future. I run a green squad, a purple squad and let’s say Jaundice Squad, they have yellow eyes. They are not the best painted but I haven’t used them for many years so they could be next off the bench as I’ve got two squads updated, then after you got some infantry and you want to be different than both the loyalists and whatever the Internet is saying is the best you run things like Chaos Spawn, they look different and they fight different than a guy in power armour with a bolter. Anyway thanks for stopping by, four spawn is probably enough for me. I want to do some Blightlords then probably some more cultists as I want my army to look and play differently.

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