Six Rusts, Two Verdigris

As usual despite many hours spent painting I’m not sure I’ve made a lot of progress. I did put no less than six different “rusts” on two plague marines then two different verdigris effects both made by Vallejo. I didn’t even use my Dirty Down rust effect or any of the pigments I’ve collected over the years including those I ordered from AwesomePaintJob dot com, whatever happened to that website? Maybe like me he was just too early on the scene.

This is of course all part of the vow I took over at the B&C. I painted both Saturday and Sunday as during the week I just work too much and I’ve prioritized going to the gym again. We’ll see if work calms down, as right now it seems I have mandatory overtime everyday.

You of course don’t need six separate rust stages, sometimes I go a bit crazy, but I bought all these new paints and I wanted to try them. I never set out to do a mini review, but I guess I’m going to do that. Let me go get the pots. First I still have an old Citadel Ink, the legendary “Rust Brown”. I’ve been using that since the 90s. I thin it and use it on browns and of course to do rust on metallic model parts, even my brass gets a wash of rust brown ink.

The next effect I used was a new one from Vallejo called “Rust” it is 72.609. It is quite thick and like the “Bile” adds texture as well as a really dark color, darker than diluted rust brown ink. After that I put on a Vallejo Game Effect “Dry Rust” this actually came out anything but dry. I didn’t thin it, but used it like a wash, it too is darker than rust brown ink. That pot is 72.136. After that was another Vallejo Game Color Special FX, Galvanic Corrosion. This is more like Rust Brown Ink and it may be the one quick option people are looking for.

After that was another Vallejo Game Effects also called “Rust” it is 72.131, the one before was 72.610 if we are going for completeness. It is a very high pigment orange paint, so really thick. I tried to dapple it on with an old brush, so a bit messy. It is very similar to Dry Ryza Rust which I put on next. This I painted on with a tiny brush to get that bright runny effect. I also thinned this, so even though it was intended to be a dry brush, I didn’t do that, apparently I’m not alone.

The verdigris effects are both Vallejo, one is 72.135 and that is the darker one. It is like a chunky wash. The lighter one is also from Vallejo and I don’t think either is very old, but who knows, people get mad at me for calling models that have come out in the last twenty years new. The lighter one is a glaze and is number 832. I basically put them on wherever I thought they’d look good, with the darker one thicker and over a wider area, then the second one more narrowly, I looked for crevices or brass bits where I thought the effect would just work.

After all this I must do some touchups and new highlights, but if you have thoughts on painting rust or verdigris effects you can leave a comment below. If you’re all about the plague marines with plague flamers you can also chime in. Technically I’m painting a chaos spawn too, but it took a bit of a back seat to my decision to use all the rust paints one after the other. But I did buy another model to use as a chaos spawn, so stay tune for more spawn of chaos.

Author: Muskie

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