Blog on McDuff

I apologize. I’ve been back from Scotland for over a month now and I haven’t updated this blog…

I apologize. I’ve been back from Scotland for over a month now and I haven’t updated this blog. Of course I’ve been blogging up a storm elsewhere but no miniatures were painted and no games were played until yesterday.

Bill and I played our umpteenth game of Warhammer 40,000 and my fifth game of tenth edition and I was soundly trounced. Bill employed a new tactic, he took a phone call prior to the start of the match and while waiting all ability to think and roll dice left my body. In hindsight I still need to choose better army lists, employ better strategies, make better tactical decisions and learn the rules.

The Future

It is an exciting time in the blogosphere. I’m highly doubtful all my effort will have a positive ROI but the fellows over at Goonhammer have done a stellar job reviewing the Chaos Codex. In the olden days there was nothing, then there was the Gates of Fenris, then there was probably leaks on Warseer, now it seems some hobby websites get preview copies to review.

Did I mention I’ve been maintaining a hobby website for over twenty years and have done book reviews before?

Yet Another Chaos Codex

I ordered the next Chaos Codex from the Sentry Box last night. I never did play with the last one, but at least I read part of it. That is more than I can say for my 9th Edition Chaos Knights Codex. I also have boxes of sealed cards and I’m not even a Magic the Gathering player. I once gifted a twenty year old box of blisters to a friend and then he gave it to another person because that is how much we love Magic the Gathering in my old gaming group.

As discussed before I will be switching allegiances from the Death Guard to what I dubbed the Irony Warriors of Nurgle. The Diseased Sons started at the dawn of second edition so before the first Chaos Codex or the first plastic Plague Marine. We were Nurgle Renegades we were in squads of five with a single heavy or special weapon. Of course a lot has changed since then but I ran an all Nurgle army with no Plague Marines at West Coast Mayhem and people’s minds were blown. I’m not sure I’ll completely forsake the Plague Marine, in fact I will stick with Nurgle and Chaos just not the Death Guard.

Will we Crusade?

Of course, Bill didn’t seem to be reading the Goonhammer as close as me and I don’t know if the same cast of characters will be back. Maceo, Bagonhead, their names will live in infamy. I’ll definitely select a new model to be my Warlord and likely new squads will come to the fore, starting with Diarrhoea and Jaundice which were the third and fourth Diseased Sons squads ever created.

What are you painting?

Nothing, I did put some Blood for the Blood God on my two most recent Blightlords which will now go back to being Chaos Terminators (of Nurgle). I’m excited to have chainfists back but I’ll miss the Plague Spewer however I can still field them in my Plague Marine squads. I probably will paint two more plague marines next, both with blight launchers.

At some point I bought a whole bunch of blight launcher bits off the Internet. I think I wanted if not one per squad then two! Tenth edition is all about free guns so I’ll likely be buying, painting and gluing on havoc launchers everywhere I can. I already ripped one off Blastmarker Billy.

My exhaustive study of the optimal dreadnaught armament, (Bill says I have to call them Hellbrutes), will continue. I actually have an unpainted Chaos Forgeworld Dreadnaught. Every time, I paint something OOP and Forgeworld random people emerge from the Internet asking if I’ll sell or give that model to them. The answer is still “no”.

So yeah I’ll do one or two dreadnoughts for 10th edition. They are Iron Warrior-y. I am definitely pro-H2H weapon on my dreadnoughts, in fact in the Chaos Codex there are various new daemon engines, I’ve always wanted to do one of them. I’ll probably do another Obliterator as I think I need two to have a unit now in 10th Edition but before all that will be that predator tank I bought.


What about Nurgle?

Besides a couple plague marines and perhaps a sorcerer in terminator armour, which I may have to convert, a lot of my more recent Death Guard purchases may sit in a blister. I may do a Daemon Prince but I might buy that new plastic one and he may be Chaos Undivided. I have so many Nurgle daemons I don’t know if I’ll ever play a game large enough to field them all, but I may try them all on the table in tenth edition eventually. I noticed Goonhammer proposing units of a single Beast of Nurgle.

Beasts Of Nurgle//

They were wargear cards in 2nd Edition, that is when I originally purchased one as a mobile bullet magnet. They seem better than Chaos Spawn especially given the reviews of the Chaos Codex I’ve been reading.

What about Non-Nurgle?

Of course eventually, but given how slow I paint, I will focus on the Diseased Sons, the Irony Warriors of Nurgle, Chaos Renegades fighting the long war since the Dark Age of Technology or at least the nineties. However the Nefarious Fire also exist. They fit best as the Word Bearer-y detachment, aka the one that was released first, aka all the Marks of Chaos.

My new dreadnoughts, err Hellbrutes may be Neafarious Fire, the Predator I have a clever plan for and anything non-Deathguard and non-CSM size may be black with purple flames to not be tied to specific fluff and god. I need to paint three more Bezerkers and maybe a squad of Khorne Terminators. I wish I bought the Forgeworld ones in hindsight.

Raptors, Bikers, Chosen will all have two squads, one Nurgle, one non-Nurgle. Some of this will require a lot of converting and painting. Others ambitions will just require me to rebase existing painted models, maybe redo a squad marking or two. I can field one hundred plus power armoured dudes. Whether they are Plague Marines, Chaos Space Marines, Chosen or Havocs doesn’t really matter. They are painted, converted, and some of them definitely still look cool.

Diseased Sons Army//

Badges we don’t need no stinkin’ badges

Actually we do. If there is a tenth edition campaign or if I ever enter another convention/tournament there will be badges. The humble melta gunner will be drafted early as every army list needs a melta gunner. There must still be some armour left on him without a badge on it.

Pictures or it didn’t happen

Bill and I indeed played a game of Warhammer 40,000 last night at the Sentry Box in Calgary. People came by and Kris noticed I had new terminators. Someone wasn’t there to comment that my new models were still almost twenty years old, definitely over ten years old, however it was literally their first game since getting painted.

It was at this point I realized I may have err’d in setting up the Nurglings in the centre. I should have learned against the World Eaters, if an army wants to advance quickly and get into melee, giving them an infiltrating unit to charge is a mistake. I won’t make that mistake a third time. My Irony Warriors, especially at 1000 points may not have the wall of Nurglings. They raised the points costs of Nurglings, but the little deep striking squad may be a must bring, however a single Beast of Nurgle apparently is another viable option as they actually have OC.

I may bring a lot of Nurgle lesser daemons in the Irony Warriors that would be close to my 2nd Edition Diseased Sons army, but I don’t think I had Nurglings until 3rd Edition. I painted the first six stands while living with Owen in the late 1990s. I rebased so many models, however I have thirty more Plaguebarers to rebase, that is a very low priority.

GraphicsConverter 12 seems to do weird things to my photos when I edit them, resize them, and convert them to jpegs. Alas I just don’t have time and energy to investigate why as it doesn’t seem to happen every single time. I actually think it could be Safari on my Mac. If you have photo editing expertise especially with GraphicsConverter 12, leave a comment below.

Author: Muskie

Making the Internet better since 1995.

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