Pictures of Khorne Bezerkers

My brief little sojourn in the hobby is over. It is still technically Monday morning and I have to find a job and do some volunteer work. I didn’t get the best light today in Vancouver, but that’s OK, I over compensate with light bulbs. I took close ups of all five out of print Khorne Bezerkers I finished last night. I noticed little areas that could use a bit more work or tiny details I should have picked out. I’ll look them over again when the varnish is dry and I put on the glossy red blood.

OOP Khorne Bezerker #5 or 7

WE Assault Trooper painted as Nefarious Fire Bezerker

OOP Plastic Khorne Bezerker with arm/weapon swap

Champion of Khorne with Power Weapon

WE Assault Marine in Nefarious Fire Colors

I don’t know when I’ll pick up the brush again. Maybe tonight, but I have a lot of other things I want to get done. I have plenty of models that I’ve assembled and primed that have sat too long, so I’ll be chipping away at them, eventually.

Models that need painting

Finished Five OOP Khorne Bezerkers

These are the first five models I’ve finished in a long time. I’ll take better photos tomorrow assuming we get some sunshine here in Vancouver. I’ve been chipping away at these models the last three or four days. I’ve finished rewatching every Battlestar Galactica episode and now with this time sink out of the way I can get back to looking for a full time job and volunteering. I’ve gotten good at volunteering again. Finished four of the bases

I had them mainly finished but extra work needed to be put into the fancy resin bases. I also needed to do a few minor touch ups and paint the eyes. I left the skull head assault marines with just black holes for eyes, it looks creepy enough. Sometimes when you go to do the eyes you screw up the face some, especially if you’ve been sweating and drinking.  Sometimes I leave the eyes until the next morning, but this time I just pushed on.

Almost finished 5 Khorne BezerkersI snapped one last pick to prove they are done and then worked on this here blog update. There are four more models unpainted and unassembled that constituted part of my proposed Astronomi-con Vancouver army, but I’m not going to work on them. I have some other models that are unpainted but assembled. Some of them are even primed.  These models are going to get some attention. I don’t like leaving things undone. If I’m going to paint something I’ll take it out of its packaging and work on it, otherwise it can sit in a box until I get around to it.

Finally completed these five models

Still WIP Bezerkers

I’ve been chipping away at this squad. I’d like to be further along, hell I’d like to be finished, but it looks like I won’t even finish the skulls and bones tonight unless I stay up late. While checking some RSS feeds I noticed From the Warp is more alive and Ron intends to keep it that way, so I decided to throw up a post.

I never left From the Warp or joined any competing networks when Ron took a hiatus. Hopefully I can keep painting and improve my traffic and readership. I think I’m up to about 100 posts.

WIP Khorne Bezerker Champion
WIP Khorne Bezerker Champion

This model has been dubbed Beelzebubba after a both the Dead Milkmen album and my old buddy Bub. He is the champ, he will have a power weapon and I’ll be doing it and the exposed skin once I finish the bone. I have been using less washes on the small bits, something I intend to continue when I finish the leather.

I’m not super happy with the red, it got too bright. My second test Bezerker still has the best armor color. I used mostly the same colors but I need to use the same thickness of paint and density of washes… I could try to darken it a bit with another wash, but I just want them done. I usually come to that stage when I paint anything.

I barely avoided my red becoming too orange, I also think I avoided the greens becoming too bright and the Bezerker starting to look like a Christmas ornament. Hopefully with the bones, skin, and purple flames finished they’ll look good alongside the other two.

OOP Khorne Bezerkers

Now on the painting table are five long out of print Khorne Bezerkers. I’ve had these models since at least 1996. There are four metal ones and one of the old plastic one pose models, which honestly aren’t that bad. You can swap arms and backpacks easy enough, even lop off the chain sword.

OOP Khorne Bezerkers
OOP Khorne Bezerkers

They are on bases by Scibor and MicroArt which are both out of Poland. The yellow resin base I don’t like as much, I got them off eBay or something, I can pretty much duplicate them with skulls and sand myself, unlike the crazy elaborate Polish bases. I’ve long maintained a large list of companies I like and note which products I’ve personal used.

I hope to finish painting these guys in under two weeks, we’ll see how that goes. The models will be primed tonight and I hope to work on them tomorrow. Yesterday I didn’t do any hobby stuff, I just don’t always have as much energy as I should.

One thing I should say to all those boutique companies who make conversion parts for GW miniatures, is I’d like to see some arms that aren’t holding weapons. There is a metal chaos spacemarine arm that is just pointing, I would have liked to use that on my champion. Or like the goblin arm where it is holding a skull, or even the beating heart of an enemy. I don’t care if the arms are armored or unarmored, as long as they are proportional to chaos space marines. There are a lot of people making head swaps and now legs are becoming common, but what I really need is some new arms without weapons, posed at various angles in both lefts and rights.

Second Test Post

It seemed to me that before the posts were appearing in reverse chronological order. I’ve never seen that before, WordPress is always adding new features which is another reason I have a blog, but also a self hosted blog that I can test things out on.

I dug up another photo which probably hasn’t been widely seen, instead of an Ork Nob it contains three OOP (Out of Print) Chaos Terminators. I’ve got a lot of painted terminators that I never use, I plan to rebase them. I have some of the Forge World Nurgle ones on my table which I’ll get to in a couple months, they seem to always get put off, as mainly they are just for fun figs. Nurgle terminators are too expensive pointswise to use regularly in small scale Warhammer 40,000 games.

Out of Print Chaos Terminators

I painted them quite a while ago, I’m not even sure they’ve all hit the gaming table, but they probably have by now.

Update December 2019

It is now many years later and I’m editing all my old blog posts to improve the taxonomy. I did rebase these models but based on the new Death Guard Codex many of them are unusable. Nurgle err Death Guard terminators can no longer have power weapons. Plague marines can no longer have flamers. So basically every squad in my army needs updating with new models and probably champions. Plague marines can also not have bolt pistols again. I will have to look into the regular Chaos Codex but first I need to get back into the habit of painting regularly and and actually play something, even if it is Warcry.